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The Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM) is an international certifying organization of and for professional records and information managers. The primary mission of the ICRM is to develop and administer the professional certification of Records and Information Managers including the relevant examinations and certification maintenance program.
Attaining the CRM designation is based on educational background, professional work experience and the passing of a six part examination. The six parts of the examination are below. Parts 1 - 5 consist of 100 multiple choice questions each. Part 6 consists of case studies requiring essay responses.
- Management Principles and the Records and Information (RIM) Program
- Records and Information: Creation and Use
- Records Systems, Storage and Retrieval
- Records Appraisal, Retention, Protection and Disposition
- Technology
- Case Studies
The following members of the Nebraska Chapter have earned the CRM certification:
Patricia M. Gannon-Pock, CRM
Cori Henderson, CRM
Jacque Hornung, CRM
Ember Krumwied, CRM
Brian E. Pillard, CRM
Scott F. Swanson, CRM
For more information and details, please visit https://www.icrm.org
The IGP credential defines the competencies for implementing effective information governance practices, including accountability, transparency, integrity, protection, compliance, availability, retention, and disposition. The role of the information governance professional is strategic in nature, ensuring that opportunities to leverage information can be capitalized on, while preventing or mitigating risks posed by record keeping practices. The practice of information governance extends beyond the traditional role of a records manager, and the credential reflects this distinct body of knowledge and skills.
To attain certification, the applicant must meet eligibility requirements, sign Code of Ethics and pass a pre-test to qualify for certification exam. The certification exam consists of 140 multiple-choice questions.
For more information and details, please visit https://www.arma.org/page/Certifications
For more information on these certification programs, go to www.aiim.org.
Enterprise Content Management
Business Process Management
Information Organization & Access
Email Management
Electronic Records Management